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Etiam vulputate ex sem, vel fermentum quam elementum a. Nulla aliquam nulla sit amet lacus maximus gravida. Vivamus dictum lorem eu tortor tempor accumsan. Nullam tempus sapien vel dignissim euismod. Sed bibendum eu leo quis congue. Donec commodo nisl in mauris iaculis, quis euismod ante varius. Nulla ut felis non lorem hendrerit maximus eget sed augue.

Cory Jenkins

Cory is an avid outdoorsman, who grew up fishing and hiking in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Central, California. In 2011 he moved to the mile high city of Prescott, Arizona where he enjoys exploring and camping with his family. Cory has summited the tallest peak in Contiguous United States, Mt. Whitney, as well as the tallest peak in Arizona, Mt. Humphreys.

David Blackmon

David is an explorer and a traveler, web developer and a creative free spirit that enjoys learning and sharing his knowledge with the world. An event 25 years ago transformed his life that would set him on the path he is on today, one day at a time. It was one of those gut checking moments that you have in life that redefines you. But for the Grace of God.

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